Personality is the quintessence of human uniqueness “in one bottle”. Each of us has his own traits of character and behavior – they are inherited and acquired throughout life. True, a person is not always aware of his personal characteristics – for the time being they are hidden.
At the same time, it is useful to understand the types of personal characteristics: firstly, you will know with whom it is easier for you to establish relationships, and secondly, it will be easier to find yourself, your business, your favorite pastime and a suitable profession (there are special tests for this).
It all started with Hippocrates
It was this ancient Greek genius who first spoke about temperament – an individual “bouquet” of the spiritual and mental properties of a person, which reflect his attitude to reality.
Hippocrates believed that the temperament is tied to one of the “juices” of the body – the liquid prevailing in it – and on the basis of this he singled out the main types of personality: sanguine(cheerful) people have more blood, phlegmatic(calm) people have phlegm, respectively, impulsive choleric people have yellow bile, and melancholic people have more blood. – black.
The resulting classification is:
- Sanguine: quickly responds to everything that interests him, he is cheerful, active, quickly adapts to changes in the environment, one hundred percent extrovert.
- Phlegmatic: he is always “on his own wave”, his mood practically does not depend on what is happening around him. Such a person does not “steam” in vain, he is slow and calm. More like an introvert.
- Choleric: impatient, short-tempered subject, extroverted, very “reactive”.
- Melancholic: touchy, overly sensitive, inhibited introvert.
Temperament is inherent in nature and depends on the type of nervous system, it cannot be completely redrawn, but it is possible to learn to look at certain situations differently and correct behavior.
Then there was Spranger
More than a hundred years ago, the German philosopher Eduard Spranger created his own typology personality, laying one of the most important aspects in sociology. He identified six key “ideal” personality types – depending on their motivational orientation. Here are their basic features:
- Social: seeks to communicate and build social ties;
- Aesthetic: prone to self-expression and introspection;
- Economic: always looking for profit and measuring everything through the prism of utility;
- Theoretical: is oriented towards acquiring new knowledge;
- Religious: looking for the highest meaning of life;
- Political: aimed at domination.
There were other attempts to “count everyone”: Ernst Kretschmer divided people into types according to the constitution of the body, and Carl Gustav Jung was the first to distinguish everyone into extroverts and introverts.

16 Personalities by NERIS Analytics Limited
In psychology, there is another curious, but not so well-known typology – it is built on the aspects of personality that prevail in a person: mind, essence, energy or character, individuality and tact. In total, four groups are distinguished, in each there are four more subtypes of personality.
- A strategist is a huge rarity! These people have a rich imagination, an inquisitive powerful mind and strong thinking, and since childhood. They like to learn new things and share their knowledge with others. They are ambitious and determined, but use their energy wisely. Strategists are both idealists and inveterate cynics. They consider the rest to be inert and “rotten”, they believe in the power of their mind and energy, they despise rules and boundaries.
- Scientist. He is proud of his own uniqueness and intelligence, loves to unravel all sorts of difficult situations and look for inconsistencies between widely known facts. Such people are of little interest in everyday life – they are only interested in examples of such situations where they can realize themselves. They constantly “cook” something in their heads, so they look thoughtful, shy, but in the course of a lively discussion they get into a rage.
- Commander. This is a leader by nature, with amazing charisma and self-confidence. Gathers crowds of like-minded people around him – even if he broadcasts about something ordinary. Always dominates and insists on his own.
- Polemicist. This is a typical person who loves the process of thinking and training a sparkling mind. They are honest, but they argue to the point of losing consciousness, defending even such ideas that they themselves do not believe in – only in order to thoroughly study the subject of the dispute from all sides.
- Activist. Resolute, highly moral, helps others, can give his life to charity. Easily joins a new team, polite, but clearly defends his point of view.
- Intermediary. He cares about the process, not the outcome. They are driven by honor and morality, beautiful speech and a penchant for languages. But unlike others, the mediator focuses on a specific goal and on a few significant people. They understand: if you spray, you will be left with nothing.
- Trainer. His key characteristic is a naturally gifted motivator, mentor. He is happy when he manages to get through to others with an attack of facts or emotional pressure. The main weakness is the desire for self-reflection.
- Fighter. Finds the main pleasure in interaction, this is the soul of the company, a frequenter of parties and a ringleader. At monotonous work, he is bored, and the opportunity to make his own original decisions greatly increases his self-esteem.
- Administrator. Such a person lives by the rules, clearly fulfills the set of his duties, operates with facts, is far from emotions, is self-sufficient. Complainers are considered weak people. Sooner or later it can become trouble-free, and this is the main weak point of this personality – others can start using it.
- Defender. This person is woven from contradictions: longs for security, but is not opposed to change; silent, but easily joins the team. This is an altruist who changes himself for kindness and gratitude.
- Manager. In short, it is a bulwark of social order. He is purposeful, proves to others that what you want can be achieved with honest work. This is a team player, he is waiting for a shoulder nearby, support, but shows dissatisfaction if his comrades-in-arms do not reach his level.
- Consul. Always hankering for status. Always in the center of events and attention, sincerely listens to others, loves to be useful, and is capable of altruism if he receives confirmation of his need, as well as gratitude.
- Virtuoso. A born creator, loves to explore the world, curious, inspired. With pleasure helps others, constantly improving something around. Friendly, but often withdrawn. His strength is practical realistic thinking.
- Artist. This “type” likes to change appearance, behavior, bring confusion to the existing foundations. More often an introvert, engaged in introspection, reassessment of values. Be sensitive to the feelings of others. He does not look far, he lives one day.
- Businessman. He is comfortable in the spotlight, he does not make long-term plans, he does everything impudently, and he deals with mistakes as they appear. Prone to risk, it is difficult for him within the framework of social norms.
- Entertainer. Live in the joyful moment. He has a highly developed sense of aesthetics, he is observant, helps others. He tries to avoid conflicts, and not to “resolve” them. Appreciates wealth, but often lives beyond their means.
It should be understood that all these are conditional typologies, and there is no and cannot be a universal system. Tests give only an approximate result, give ground for reflection. Moreover, at different times of life, the indicators will be different, because we change our view of a particular issue or attitude to a particular situation.
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