Diabetes is a worldwide epidemic. However, a recent study in the field of medicine has shown that lifestyle changes and healthy habits can play a significant role in the question “how to avoid diabetes.” To do this, scientists analyzed data from 14 studies, which involved about 1 million people.
From personal practice, endocrinologists at the St. Nicholas Clinic say that people who do not have bad habits have an approximately 75% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who lead a less healthy lifestyle.
It can be concluded that there is a higher chance of avoiding type 2 diabetes in those who:
- I do not smoke
- Doesn’t drink alcohol
- Does sports regularly
- Adheres to proper nutrition
- Not overweight
How to lower blood sugar with food?
To do this, you need to consume more fiber and less sugar in your daily diet!
Changing your diet is the first step towards preventing diabetes. A diet high in whole grains and fiber, but low in refined carbohydrates, helps lower blood sugar.

Many patients are interested in “how to quickly lower blood sugar and can it be done?”. However, rapid and dramatic lowering of blood glucose levels is only possible with the help of medications and is a dangerous method.
The most effective method is a diet that includes fiber intake. It contributes to a gradual decrease in blood sugar levels and does not harm health. Fiber prevents an increase in blood sugar, as it takes a long time to digest.
For some people who are prediabetic or even diabetic, fiber can help keep blood sugar levels more stable when added to the diet.
Eating too many refined carbs and sugars, found in foods like white bread, pasta, rice, sugary drinks, and chocolates, can cause insulin levels to spike very quickly and blood glucose levels to fluctuate. A diet low in these foods in the diet is considered the most effective and effective for those who want to reduce blood sugar levels. And most importantly, this is not a diet that harms the digestive system and the body as a whole. This diet is recommended as a preventive measure both because of its good result in weight loss and because it reduces insulin resistance.
It’s not too late to change everything
If you’ve been diagnosed with prediabetes, that’s no reason to despair, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that diabetes is just around the corner. However, this means it’s time to review your habits and take action to change the situation and prevent the development of type 2 diabetes . You can definitely slow down or even stop the progression of the disease. It is important to emphasize that even a 5% to 7% weight loss can significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
It may seem like science fiction, but with just a few changes to your lifestyle, you have the ability to prevent a serious disease like type 2 diabetes.
In order to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, you need to follow just a few simple rules, namely:
- Watch your nutrition
- go in for sports
- Get rid of bad habits