10 simple exercises for strength training

10 Simple Exercises For Strength Training

If you want to change the appearance of your figure, you can not do without strength training. But how do you get started if you’ve never done strength training before? What exercises are available to a beginner, but at the same time guarantee results in the shortest possible time? 

Successful start – mental attitude

The main mistake of beginners is the desire for instant results. Many people want to get results within a few weeks after they start exercising. Working with weights doesn’t have to be difficult. Even simple exercises are effectiveAll you need to get started is a pair of dumbbells. If they are not at hand, you can use improvised materials like jars of pumpkin puree, little bags of rice and bottles filled with water.

By the way! did you know a ccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , regular physical activity and a healthy diet can help prevent and treat type 2 diabetes.

Get to the workout!

If you are in a good mood it’s time to start exercising. You should always start with a warm-up.

5-7 minutes of light cardio is ideal for this. It can be exercises on any cardio machine, a short walk around the neighborhood or in self-isolation a few minutes of dance cardio, walking or jogging in place to your favorite music track.

There are a lot of exercises with dumbbells and other devices, but it makes no sense to master everything in record time. It is enough to practice every day 1-2 exercises for each muscle group in 10-15 sets. After each set, practice resting for a few seconds so that you can recover. At the end of each set, the muscles should feel pleasantly tired.

1. Dumbbell curls (Biceps)

1. Dumbbell curls for biceps Source: heartyhosting.com

Starting position: standing straight, arms down, palms pressed to the body. Take a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing you. Bend your elbows, turn your wrists outward, lift the dumbbells to your chest.

Now raise your arms so that the dumbbells form a straight line parallel to your shoulders. Return to starting position. Repeat the set first 10-15 times.

2. Run up the stairs (Legs & stamina)

2. Running up the stairs Source: blogspot.com

If you live in an apartment building, not using the stairs for exercise is a fitness crime. You should always start your run from the descent. Slowly go up to the top floor and go down at a good pace. Pause – inhale-exhale, and just as quickly rise up. Repeat the “run” 5-6 times.

3. Lunges with dumbbells in place (Thighs & Calves)

3. Lunges with dumbbells in place Source: sport-in-my-life.ru

Stand up straight, lunge with your left foot forward. The distance between the two legs should be no less than the width of the shoulders. The toe of the lunge leg should be slightly turned inward to make it easier to maintain balance. Both legs are straight. The gaze should be directed straight ahead. In each hand – a dumbbell.

While inhaling, you need to go down, bending both legs at the knees, leaning forward a little. The knee of the right leg should not touch the floor. On exhalation, you need to return to the starting position. During the exercise, the back should be straight. Repeat 10-15 times.

On a note! The American Councilon Exercise experts note that it takes 6 to 8 weeks for the body to “get used” to a set of exercises.

4. Push-ups (Chest & Arms)

4. Push-ups Source: golfnewsmag.com

Anyone who does push-ups often can always count on a steel press and toned arms. Fortunately, no equipment is required for this exercise. Push up in several approaches, to start – each set 5-10 times.

Do you feel that this is not enough? Bring the number in one set up to 50 times and increase the multiplicity of approaches.

5. Standing Dumbbell Press (Shoulders)

5. Standing Dumbbell Press Source: yimg.com

Take the starting position described in the first exercise. Take a dumbbell in each hand, turn your wrists outward and lift the dumbbells to your shoulders, then straighten your arms up. As you exhale, lower your arms. Work the muscles 10-15 times.

6. Abs exercises

6. Press exercises Source: yandex.net

There are a huge number of exercises for the press. Start with the simplest! Sit on the mat, place your toes under the support (for example, the edge of the sofa), bend your knees. Lay your back on the floor. At first, at a moderate, and then at a more intense pace, rise up and fall down. Make sure that the load falls on the press, and not on the spine. Don’t round your back!

7. Weighted squats (Hips)

7. Weighted squats Source: yandex.net

Lower your arms down, your wrists should be turned outward. Grab one dumbbell with both hands. Hands should be located at different ends of the dumbbell, bent at the elbows, dumbbells should be pressed in the chest.

Imagine that you want to sit on a bench. Pull your hips back a little, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Lock in this moment for a couple of seconds. Make sure your body weight is on your heels. Exhale before you rise and return to the starting position.

8. Deep side lunges

8. Deep side lunges Source: super.ua

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. On the count of times, lunge with your right foot to the right to the maximum distance, bending the leg at the knee and moving the entire body to it. Return your leg to its original position. Repeat with the other leg. Perform the entire set 10-15 times.

9. Walking up the hill

9. Stepping up the hill Source: workoutbox.net

Stand up straight at a chair, stool or bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, lower your arms along the body. On the count of three, lunge with your right foot like on a hill. Check yourself: the leg should be bent at the knee, the knee forms a right angle. On the count of two, lift yourself up, putting your left foot to the right. As a result, you should stand right on the hill. Return to starting position by stepping back with your left foot. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times for both legs each.

10. Straight and reverse plank

10. Straight and reverse bar Source: 1zoom.ru

Finishing a set of exercises will help straight bar . Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms. The body should form a straight line without deflection. Stay in this position for as long as you can. A great start to start – at least 30 seconds.

Now try doing a reverse plank. Lie on your back, emphasis on the elbows, palms pressed to the floor. Raise your pelvis, resting on your elbows and heels. The body should be like an elongated string. Lock in this position for 30 seconds. If the exercise seems easy, focus not on the elbows, but on the palms of straightened arms.

How to start strength training?

  1. Divide your body into segments. Chest, back, arms, legs.
  2. Define training days and distribute the workout routine over them. This will allow you to diversify your workout and not quit them because of the routine.
  3. Pick exercises for each workout. Many fitness trainers post workouts for free on the Web.
  4. Order the right equipment, at least a mat and dumbbells. If it doesn’t work, then use household methods: take water bottles or a weighted backpack.

If you find it difficult to complete these points, then you can simply open YouTube and find full-fledged 20-30 minutes classes there that will allow you to fully train.