What to eat after a working out? Best Workout Meals

- Can I eat after a workout while losing weight?
- Basic principles of nutrition for weight loss
- What to eat after a workout for weight loss
- After workout calories consumption required for staying in shape.
- How much to eat after a workout to lose weight?
- What foods should not be consumed when losing weight?
- Ten Best Post Workout Foods for Weight Loss
- What to drink after a workout?
Physical exercise helps a person to lose extra pounds – this is effective and reasonable, from a physiological point of view, method of losing weight. During the training period, great attention is paid to nutrition. Its proper organization allows you to speed up the process of losing weight, form a beautiful outline of the figure and improve the body. Best Workout Meals
1. Can I eat after a workout while losing weight?
After fitness, sports and any physical activity, a protein-carbohydrate (anabolic) window opens. The next 90 minutes the human body needs to replenish nutrients. What to eat after a workout to lose weight? Of course, foods high in protein and carbohydrates! Eating during this period of time causes the maximum anabolic response of the body and benefits, allowing you to form a beautiful outline of the figure, without deposition of fat mass. Later consumption of food may be useless, since the body has already used internal energy sources (fat, muscle protein) and does not need nutrients.
Interesting to know! There is a directly opposite point of view – you can’t eat immediately after a workout for weight loss. According to her, during this period, the human body continues to “burn” the accumulated fat, and eating disrupts this process, which makes it difficult to lose extra pounds. But do not forget that along with fat, the body intensively consumes its own protein, which slows down metabolic reactions. Thus, at first, weight loss really happens a little faster, but gradually leads to exhaustion of the body, causing inhibition of the functions of all organs and systems – the loss of extra pounds stops. After such training, the human body looks haggard and unattractive. Click to get best slimming tea at a discount.
2. Basic principles of nutrition for weight loss
To be slim you need to eat. Losing weight is not a refusal to eat, but the proper organization of nutrition. The following principles must be adhered to.
- The amount of calories consumed should be less than the amount consumed by about half. For example, if 500 kcal was spent in the gym, then about 250 kcal can enter the body. The created deficit will lead to effective burning of fat deposits.
- You need to eat often and in small portions. Fitness nutrition involves eating 5 to 7 times a day. The volume of 1 serving should contain approximately 60 g of protein and 40 g of carbohydrates for strength exercises, and 60 g of carbohydrates and 40 g of protein for anaerobic exercises. The specified amount of nutrients is fully absorbed and consumed. Conversely, a rare or abundant diet forces the body to store nutrients in reserve.
- Reduced fat intake. It must be remembered that 1 gram of fat is 9 kcal. The vital daily requirement of the body for fats is 0.5 – 0.7 g per 1 kg of body weight. Thus, with an average weight of 70 – 75 kg, a person needs about 50 g of fat per day. Exceeding this amount slows down the metabolism and leads to obesity.
Important! For a diet, it is better to choose baked or steamed dishes. After all, the process of frying, boiling or long-term stewing leads to the destruction of vitamins and nutrients in food.
3. Mistakes that prevent you from losing weight
Faced with the problem of excess weight, many people forget that unnecessary kilograms have accumulated for months, or even years. It is impossible to get rid of them within 1 – 2 weeks. It will be even more difficult to maintain the achieved weight and prevent annoying weight loss mistakes. The most common of them are 8 misconceptions.
- Total starvation.
- Hope for a “miracle cure” for weight loss.
- Irregular meals.
- Compliance with mono-diets.
- Skip breakfast or dinner.
- Insufficient physical activity.
- Low fluid intake.
- Expecting a quick result.
Awareness of the processes occurring in the body, a personal fitness trainer and self-discipline will help to avoid weight loss mistakes.
4. After workout calories consumption required for staying in shape.
Women and men lose weight differently. At the same time, the representatives of the stronger sex take off extra pounds much easier and faster. The existence of differences is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female and male body. To lose weight, they must be taken into account.
- During fitness training, about 1700 – 2000 calories per day are required.
- There are no restrictions on meat consumption. The main thing is to eat lean meat with the necessary amount of protein.
- Girls need to eat foods high in folic acid, vitamins A, B6, E.
- During the period of strength training or fitness, the recommended daily calorie intake is 2000 – 2300 kcal.
- It is necessary to limit the consumption of offal and meat in favor of marine fish, nuts, legumes and dairy products.
- It is recommended to eat foods rich in selenium, zinc, vitamin E.
After morning workout
After class in the morning, you can eat chicken breast, lean fish, eggs, rice, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.
After evening workout
At night, it is better to eat light fish dishes, vegetables, fruits and dairy products, for example, cottage cheese.
Important! Even if the workout ends late, you can not refuse dinner. In this case, you can take a small “brake” with you directly to the gym and eat it immediately after class. During the journey home and getting ready for bed, the food will already begin to be digested and assimilated.
5. How much can you eat after a workout if you are losing weight?
The amount of food can be anything. The main thing is that it contains the required amount of protein, carbohydrates and a minimum of fat. For clarity, a small table of the content of essential nutrients in 100 g of product.
Product | Protein (g) | Carbs (g) | Fat (g) |
Chicken breast | 29.9 | 0 | 1.8 |
Veal | 19.5 | 0 | 1.2 |
Cod | 23.4 | 0 | one |
Low-fat cottage cheese | 15.9 | 2.7 | 0.6 |
Bananas | 1.4 | 22.5 | 0.1 |
Raisin | 2 | 70.9 | 0.1 |
Egg white | 12.6 | 0 | 0.1 |
Thus, to replenish the calories spent, it will be possible to eat, for example, 200 g of chicken breast and 2 bananas. Or 300 g of cottage cheese and 50 g of raisins. Etc.
To achieve the maximum anabolic response from the body, food should be taken within the next 90 minutes after the end of the workout.
You need to eat slowly, carefully chewing (chopping) food. Small pieces of food are easier and faster to digest, do not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
6. What foods should not be consumed when losing weight?
After the decision has been made to train seriously and lose weight, the following foods should be excluded from your diet.
- Caffeine – interferes with the full absorption of protein and complicates the process of restoring the body. Therefore, coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate and other caffeinated products are prohibited.
- Foods high in fat – disrupt metabolism, slow down the rate of absorption of proteins and carbohydrates.
Important! These foods should be avoided within 2 hours after exercise. During the day, caffeine is allowed to maintain body tone.
7. Ten best post workout foods for weight loss
Following a diet for weight loss is easy. After all, it can include truly tasty and healthy dishes.
- Veal – contains a large amount of protein (19.7 g / 100 g), B vitamins, mineral elements and amino acids necessary for the full functioning of the muscles. Promotes rapid recovery of the body
- Boiled chicken fillet is a source of easily digestible protein (30.4 g/100 g). The high content of amino acids contributes to the rapid recovery of muscle tissue, and B vitamins accelerate metabolic processes.
- Turkey – rich in protein (25.3 g / 100 g), vitamins A, E and vital elements. Accelerates metabolism and the process of splitting fats. Increases the endurance of the body.
- Low-fat fish is a source of useful amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Does not contain carbohydrates and is rich in easily digestible protein.
- Seafood is an indispensable food product rich in natural easily digestible protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular, nervous system. Accelerates the transport of fats from the body and metabolic processes.
- Fat-free cottage cheese is ideal for a late dinner after a workout. The high content of natural protein (17 g/100 g) contributes to effective muscle recovery.
- Beans are a low-calorie, high-protein food (22 g/100 g). A source of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates.
- Rice – rich in complex carbohydrates (24.9 g / 100 g), B vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. Quickly and permanently restores the energy potential of the body, reduces the feeling of hunger and accelerates metabolic reactions.
- Fruits are a source of natural bioflavonoids that control metabolism. Increase endurance and body resistance to negative environmental factors. Protect against the effects of free radicals.
- Fresh vegetables, greens – contain a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Helps speed up metabolism and fat breakdown processes.
Important! Immediately after training, you should try to avoid spicy, salty, spicy foods. They excite the appetite and after their use there is a risk of “breaking loose” – eating more than expected.
What to drink after a workout?
During training, a person loses a large amount of fluid, which comes out through sweat. The following will help to quickly restore the body’s balance.
Drinks should be at a comfortable, room temperature. The number of their use is not limited by anything – you can drink, focusing on the feeling of thirst and your own feelings. Click to get best slimming tea at a discount.